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Since last time we have been working on fixing some issues as well as trying to get others to work as intended. We have fixed many issues related to the lobby system, like when a lobby is created and someone is trying to check for more lobbies in the panel, it would bug out the buttons. Currently, clicking 'Join' will update the UI to show the new lobbies that weren't showing. We are also planning to automatically update and show all the lobbies in the panel right when a new lobby is created. Along with that, more progress has been made regarding the first level, and it is now playable from start to finish.

The next step for the game is to being adding assets for the level rather than use a grey box, as well as getting started on the second level and getting it to the same state as the first. Along with this, getting the multiplayer of our game functional is still in progress and is something that we will continue to try to implement and fix the current issues that we are experiencing.

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